Semper Fidelis Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 880
Advancement meeting 16th October 2023 at the Masonic Temple, St Annes…. That never was!
The meeting was due to be an advancement for Bro David Brian Whyman. Sadly, Bro Whyman contracted covid and could not be present on the night.
Unfortunately, the WM., Bro Mark Brown was also absent and so the Treasurer W. Bro. David Kenworthy took the chair for the night.
The acting WM opened the Lodge and worked through the business on the agenda up to the proposed advancement.
In its place, VWBro. Howard Emmett acting as SW read very eloquently a lecture on the Mark Master Masons Degree, which was well received by all. A refreshment of Masonic knowledge.
The Lodge was closed, and the brethren assembled in the bar for refreshments and the festive board.
Lively discussion ensued accompanied by a well-cooked steak!
A number of Brethren traded in their old and very old Mark ties for the new bright and shiny Province of West Lancashire red ones!
A good night was had by all!
Words and pictures by Tony Cross